Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Someone needs more protections

According to P. Griffiths (2007), teachers need extra protection from abuse from pupils on web sites like RateMyTeacher.com. First, being abused from their own pupils. Sometimes affects a teacher’s health. Second, sometimes it affects a teacher’s career. Comments get worse and give remarks on their career. Last, some teacher takes all comments in positive ways even though comments are written in wrong words for them.

In this global world, it is easy for everyone to humiliate someone publicly. First, students having more technological freedom humiliate teachers. Second, it affects a teacher’s health. Last, it affects a teacher’s career.

First, their own pupils humiliate teachers by having more technological freedom. In this advanced world it’s easy to humiliate publicly. Government should take some steps against this kind of sites. For example, there should be certain parameters to criticize some one and set some more powerful rules and regulations. There should be parent’s involvement to solve this problem. Schools should set rules for parents that monitoring children while using Internet. For example, “a Sydney high school sent a memo to parents last year, asking them to monitor their children’s internet access after students were suspended for threatening school staff on a website.”

Second, being humiliated by pupils affects a teacher’s health. Sometimes criticism goes beyond a limit; pupils catch teachers on video and pictures that cause depression and psychological problems. A School should make a council board to counsel teachers. This kind of board gives good advice and helps them decide how to react when they are humiliated. In that hard time the board will give psychological support. The Teacher might commit suicide because of being humiliated sometimes very badly.

Third, websites like YouTube and RateMyTeacher.com, give freedom to harass their teacher online and it causes damage to teacher’s career. Teachers should make an organization to protest this kind of problems and websites. They can advertise their problem on television so more and more people and teachers come, and join their organization. This will make a difference. Social organizations should become involved in his problem and give support to teachers to stop or ban these sites. Bad comments affect teacher’s careers because all things, about him or her are online. Sometimes teachers lose their jobs. For example, if the teacher is the only one person to earn money, it will affect on his or her financial status and bring problems to the family. These websites are of big companies. They should have social responsibility and moral obligations.

Last, teachers are humiliated by using more technological freedom. These sites harmed their health and career. I strongly believe that government should be involved with strong acts and regulations and this kind of site should be banned.

Griffiths, P. (2007, November 15). UK union condemns “rate my teacher” Web sites. REUTERS UK. Retrieved March 29, 2008, from http://uk.reuters.com/articlePrint?articleId=UKL1588395620071115

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